Read the February 2023 issue of Mithomahcihowin – NCN Family & Community Wellness Centre’s bi-monthly health and wellness news update.

Featured Story

Taking Care of Your Skin

NCN is fortunate to have a dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in skin concerns, visiting the community this spring.

Dr. Marni Wiseman will take appointments at the FCWC on April 27th and 28th.

Though we don’t often think about it, skin is the first and most obvious line of defense for your body. It’s important to care for your skin daily before you have to deal with problems that can be difficult to manage.

Typical maintenance skincare includes:

  • short, warm baths and showers (not hot);
  • gentle, fragrance-free soaps and lotions;
  • patting the skin dry (not scrubbing);
  • applying lotion all over your body while still damp;
  • drinking plenty of water everyday;
  • sunscreen that’s reapplied as required.

Read the February 2023 issue of Mithomahcihowin for the full story.


  • PERSONAL JOURNEY: Take Care of Your Skin Every Day
  • FAMILY SUPPORT: Learn About Preschoolers. Show Patience!
  • COMMUNITY HEALTH: Learning About Colon Cancer
  • Bring Lentils Into Your Life
  • What’s the Deal with Bed Bugs?
  • Your Path to Wellness: Circle of Care
  • Your Path to Wellness: NCN Fitness Centre

Read the February 2023 issue of Mithomahcihowin